Cyberpunk Girls – Cyberpunk Girl is a brutal action shooter set in the year 2169 in the cyber metropolis Oplot. The city of the future, which has become a save heaven for thugs,…
Game Overview
Cyberpunk Girls is a brutal action shooter set in the year 2169 in the cyber metropolis Oplot. The city of the future, which has become a save heaven for thugs, hackers, and gold diggers. Win the most breathtaking battles. And remember that everything comes with a price. Meet Elsa. She topped cha for the longest time, until the recent circumstances revealed a shocking truth to her, which changed the rules of the game… Use this opportunity to challenge those who would like nothing else but to see you fail. Game Features: Brutal Combat: game features a combat that…
Cyberpunk Girls
Romantic Room
Romantic Room
5 Feb, 2022
Shooter, Action, Casual, Simulation, Adventure
Cyberpunk Girls
BlacK FlaG
269.19 MB
System Requirement
- OS: WIndows 7,8,10
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
- Memory: 4096 MB RAM
- Graphics: Gigabyte PCI-ex GeForce GT 710
- Storage: 2 GB available space