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Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac Free Download


Edgar – Bokbok in Boulzac – Crackpot outcast Edgar sets out to Boulzac to save his squash, and instead uncovers an unearthly secret at the heart of the city. A colourful, surreal…

Game Overview

Between 2 (mini) and 5 (maxi) hours to finish the game You are eccentric outcast Edgar, living in the woods with your chicken and beloved squash crops. Unfortunately, a sudden disaster forces you out of your shack and towards the bright lights of the big city, Boulzac, where an 800 year old fire rages beneath the surface, and weird things are afoot.. Key Fetures:Explore a strange and comic universe, meeting its unhinged (and unforgettable) inhabitants and discovering ancient secrets.Unveil the surreal conspiracy holding Boulzac together. Trek above and below the light…


Title: Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac

Developer: La Poule Noire

Publisher: La Poule Noire

Release Date: 26 Feb, 2020

Genre: Adventure, Casual


Release Name: Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac-RAZOR

Cracked by: RAZOR

Release Size: 271.22 MB


System Requirement


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel i5 Quad-Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • Storage: 500 MB available space


Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac Torrent Download

Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac PC Crack

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