torrents2download free game

Experience the thrill of motorsport at the limit with the most comprehensive, beautiful and authentic racing game ever made. Enjoy gorgeous graphics at 60fps and native 4K resolution in HDR. Collect and race more than 700 cars.

[yp_tabs][yp_tab title=”Download / About” active=”1″ tab_id=”1521761197124-95f14-55991b45-5c736b8c-dbb4″]


FORZA MOTORSPORT 7 IS AN XBOX PLAY ANYWHERE TITLE. PLAY IT ON BOTH WINDOWS 10 AND XBOX ONE! Experience the thrill of motorsport at the limit with the most comprehensive, beautiful and authentic racing game ever made. Enjoy gorgeous graphics at 60fps and native 4K resolution in HDR. Collect and race more than 700 cars, including the largest collection of Ferraris, Porsches, and Lamborghinis ever. Challenge yourself across 30 famous destinations and 200 ribbons, where race conditions change every time you return to the track.

Release Note

NOTES: The following new DLC is included:

>Forza Motorsport 7 July Spotlight Porsche Pack
>Top Gear Forza Motorsport 7 Car Pack

After installing the update the new game version will not be displayed
at the main menu, but the game will be updated. If you want the new
version to show you can run the InstallApp.exe(in the game directory)
again so it uses the new version in the updated AppxManifest.xml.

You need the following releases for this:


Download Details

Title: Forza Motorsport 7
Genre: Racing
Developer: Turn 10 Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: 10 March, 2017
File Name: Forza.Motorsport.7.Update.v1.133.8511.2.incl.DLC-CODEX.torrent
Release Group: CODEX
Size: 1.28 GB


[/yp_tab][yp_tab title=”System Requirement” tab_id=”1521761197146-75f14-55991b45-5c736b8c-dbb4″]


Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this product
OS Windows 10 version 15063.0 or higher
Architecture x64
Keyboard Integrated Keyboard
Mouse Integrated Mouse
DirectX DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
Memory 8 GB
Video Memory 2 GB
Processor Intel i5-750 2.67 GHz
Graphics NVIDIA GT 740 or NVIDIA GTX 650 or AMD R7 250X


Your device should meet these requirements for the best experience
OS Windows 10 version 15063.0 or higher
Architecture x64
Keyboard Integrated Keyboard
Mouse Integrated Mouse
DirectX DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
Memory 8 GB
Video Memory 4 GB
Processor Intel i5 4460 3.2GHz
Graphics NVIDIA GTX 670 or NVIDIA 1050 Ti or AMD RX 560

[/yp_tab][yp_tab title=”Gameplay / Trailer” tab_id=”1521761360092-2-25f14-55991b45-5c736b8c-dbb4″]

[/yp_tab][yp_tab title=”Info” tab_id=”1521761391230-3-45f14-55991b45-5c736b8c-dbb4″]

– Extract
– Burn or mount the .iso
– Run SetFM7.exe and install
– Let our installer copy the crack for you!
– Play from Start Menu Shortcut!!

Last modified on March 1st, 2020
Views 6568

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