Kallie Sharp (Vanessa Sears) is carrying a pail in the barnyard when she quickly responds to a man calling her name. Tia, one of her goats, escaped to the neighboring farm. Her neighbor Jackson Flynt (Franco Lo Presti) is upset he has to again collect the goat for Kallie and reminds her of his offer to buy her land. Kallie promises to fix the gate.Kallie leads a bit of a lonely life but enjoys her beautiful farm and her cute goats and talks to them like family. She is fulfilling her dream of developing her goat milk skin care line and doesn’t have time for romance or the pest next door, Jackson who farms the massive acreage that once belonged to Kallie’s family and is constantly reminding her of his offer to buy her property, too.Sahara (Madeleine Claude), Kallie’s best friend, calls to invite her to a housewarming party that evening at 7:00 p.m. Kallie readily accepts. Kallie is successfully selling her cremes and lotions online. That day, she has 13 new orders which she boxes up and sends off with her courier (Jeff Irving) who receives free lotion for his baby’s eczema as part of his compensation. Kallie opens her mailbox and receives an unexpected letter telling her that her life will unfold like the bloom on a rose. She thinks the letter is advertising from a real estate broker.Kallie also sells her lotions at the local farmers market where she is joined by her mother Caroline (Kim Roberts) at their stand. People are pleased Kallie is back in the neighborhood. Caroline and Mrs. Satti (Ronica Sajnani), a local spa owner, make sure Kallie is reacquainted with the spa owner’s son and Kallie’s old school pal, Dex (Fuad Ahmed) who is now a high school teacher at Willow High.Jackson is also at the farmer’s market where he is approached by Alison Fletcher (Sugenja Sri) who wants to do a story on Jackson for the magazine Rural Heartbeat. Jackson, a former horse jumping champion, recently purchased Caroline’s farm which Alison spins as saving a local farm. Jackson has no interest in Alison’s offer.Kallie also meets the attractive new veterinarian, Dr. Grant (William J. Edwards) who is visibly attracted to Kallie when she brings her goat in for a checkup after eating something digestively upsetting in Jackson’s barn. That night Kallie attends Sahara’s housewarming party in which Kallie and Sahara’s realtor are the only guests. Kallie identifies Sahara’s obvious attempt to set her up on a date.Kallie has no time for love. She is taken aback when a second love letter appears in her mailbox. She reads the love poems and romantic phrases with no signature attached. Kallie takes the letter to Sahara who is a librarian. Sahara identifies the letter as a famous historical love letter and identifies a book on the shelf for reference.Jackson stops by the next morning with a box of items left by Kallie’s mother when she vacated the farm. Jackson asks about Caroline’s wellbeing. Kallie informs Jackson that Caroline found a satisfying new life. A stop at her mailbox reveals receipt of a third love letter. Kallie is intrigued as to who her secret admirer might be. Kallie takes the box Jackson delivered to Caroline’s LP and coffee shop. Sahara is there considering buying a vintage LP for her husband for their anniversary. Kallie shows them the most recent letter. Both are thrilled Kallie has a secret admirer.At the library, Kallie realizes a theme in the letters of a shared past. She leaves Sahara to compare some handwriting. Kallie arrives at the high school to hear Dex dismissing his chemistry class. Kallie suggests they catch up. After a lingering student suggests coffee, Dex makes a lunch date for Saturday with Kallie at Maeve’s.The next morning, Callie is reading her latest letter to her goats when Jackson comes by to reiterate his offer to buy Callie’s property. He asks Callie about what she was reading, and Callie tells him she received a love letter. Jackson cautions Callie to be careful of strangers but also recognizes that Callie is intrigued by the letters.At the library, Jackson checks out “Darkness on Death” from a series Kallie has put on reserve. He gives Sahara the excuse that Kallie has ruined the plot of all the previous books by reading then to her goats.
1 hr 24 min
23.976 fps
English 2.0
772.2 MB
Top cast
Vanessa Sears as Kallie
Sugenja Sri as Alison
Franco Lo Presti as Jackson
Ted Atherton as Mr. Fisher

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