Action / Crime / Drama
In the aftermath of the Katrina, in New Orleans, Sergeant Terence McDonagh has a severe damage in his column rescuing a prisoner in the flooded jail. He becomes addicted in painkillers and cocaine to relief his incurable pain and is promoted to lieutenant. When an African family of smalltime drug dealers and their two children are executed, the abusive Terence is assigned to be in charge of the investigation. He depends on the testimony of a reluctant fifteen year-old boy that had witnessed the crime to open a case against the powerful drug lord Big Fate; however the teenager escapes from his custody to England and Big Fate is released. The frantic drug and gambler addicted lieutenant seeks illegal means to get drugs for him and for his girlfriend prostitute Frankie Donnenfeld and to pay his increasing debts. Despite the surveillance of the internal affairs, he associates to Big Fate and his gang providing inside information about apprehension and shipment of drugs and living his life on the edge.
2 hr 2 min
23.976 fps
English 2.0
699.34 MB
Nicolas Cage as Terence McDonagh
Val Kilmer as Stevie Pruit
Eva Mendes as Frankie Donnenfield
Fairuza Balk as Heidi

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