Our story follows four unlikely friends connected through social football when they fall victim to methamphetamine addiction. Thomas is a psychologist who has reached a crisis point in his life. Still single and borderline obsessive-compulsive, he needs help himself. Unable to cure a cheeky young drug addict, he starts wondering what else he can do besides quoting textbooks. Raj is usually just happy to follow his friends in their choice of adventures. He is an actor with a very slim credit list. There is a strong sense of “now or never” growing inside him. He is also aimlessly drifting in a dysfunctional relationship with his overly controlling girlfriend. Nick is a seriously conflicted, angry, and slightly racist Catholic priest with a hidden past. He is clinging desperately to the ideal of being a priest because this is the only direction he has in life. But something deep down inside him knows that he is living a lie. Jimmy is a sex-obsessed unscrupulous used car salesman, an …
1 hr 30 min
23.976 fps
English 2.0
831.01 MB