The unprecedented success story of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi began high up in the Himalayas. In the late 50s the guru arrived in Hollywood to propagate his school of meditation and “achieve world peace”. He attracted numerous prominent followers, including the Beatles, Mia Farrow and Clint Eastwood. Today almost six million people worldwide practice transcendental meditation (TM). David, a young filmmaker seeking inspiration, is also prepared to give TM a try. Not least because his great professional idol, legendary director David Lynch, has personally assured him that this form of meditation is a great source of creativity and the key to success. David determines to take his hero’s word for it: he submits himself to the expensive TM training, receives his personal mantra and has a go at “yogic flying”. But incongruities soon begin to pile up. Among other things, the organization of the humble Indian guru has, in the meantime, grown into an empire worth billions. When the Maharishi …
1 hr 35 min
25 fps
English 2.0
880.81 MB