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2022 [CN]
Horror / Thriller


In The Mall, while hosting a live stream that introduces a new shopping mall for potential entrepreneurs, a YouTuber is confronted by an influencer who specializes in exposés. Meanwhile, a masked avenger also roams the halls of the mall, setting the scene for a shocking denouement about a terrifying incident that happened before the mall’s renovation. On the stairwell of The Tenement, a soaked mystery figure in a raincoat is blocking the exit. As it slowly creeps upstairs, the building’s remaining residents suspect that it’s the spirit of a drowning victim. A bold but cautious novelist and her fellow residents turn to a former triad assassin living on the 5th floor for help. The Chink follows a young pop star who moves into a new home to have more time with her married boyfriend. However, her plan backfires as her mental health deteriorates. Distressed and driven to the edge, she can’t tell whether she is suffering a relapse of her depression, or if she is being haunted by a menacing ghost.

Tech specs – Reviews

Title: Tales from the Occult
Duration: 1 hr 51 min
Aspect Ratio: 1280*544
Frames: 24 fps
Audio: Chinese 2.0
Size: 1021.56 MB
IMDb Rating



Tales from the Occult (2022) downloadTales from the Occult (2022) download



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