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Action / Drama


Sixteen-year-old Sarah (Tea McKay) is abused in her suburban home by her mother’s boyfriend Roger (Eric Roberts – The Dark Knight), a powerful crime syndicate boss with ties with an international sex trafficking ring and missing local girls. Roger easily overpowers Sarah, as her mother, his girlfriend Karen (Dey Young – Pretty Woman) looks the other way. He keeps Karen medicated and detached from her guilt with vodka. Roger toys with police Detective Sangrin (T.C. Stallings – War Room), who is desperate to find his own daughter, who has gone missing in the same vicinity as Roger’s operation. Sarah escapes with help from some true friends, including a boy she likes named Kenny (David Topp – Beverly Hills Canine Country Club). Sarah hates Kenny at first because his report to the school sends her to foster care and turns her world upside down. After all of her abuse and the betrayals by Kenny and Karen, trusting humans seems impossible for her. Despite her angst, Sarah’s friends guide her to Unbridled Riding Academy, a safe place, which uses horses as therapy animals to reach abused teen girls. There Sarah meets a mysterious horse, Dreamer, who similarly has a deep distrust of humans. Sarah and the horse form an intense connection and she is able to see his past, full horrific abuse. She chooses Dreamer to be her confidante, but the journey towards healing is just beginning. Sarah fights the mentoring advice of Felicity (Jenn Gotzon – Frost/Nixon) and the warm, playful friendship and teaching of Cassie (Rachel Hendrix – October Baby). Felicity asks her if she is ready to quit. Instead, she doubles down on her resolve to fight. Sarah is tested by the troubled girls of Unbridled Academy, who don’t easily welcome outsiders. Her new peers give her the dirtiest jobs, making her prove herself before being accepted. As Sarah negotiates these new relationships, a girl named Ambrosia shows her kindness. But Mary, who struggles with her self worth, makes sure that Sarah has it tough as she did. Sarah’s frustration becomes desperation as she loses the connection with the horse she loves. After Mary’s attempt at the unthinkable, Sarah’s pain and fear reach a boiling point and she cries out for help to both Kenny and Dreamer. Her dreams foreshadow the ferocious battle with Roger, who is soon bailed out of jail. Sarah’s life hangs in the balance as Roger hunts her down to re-join his dark empire.

Tech specs – Reviews

Title: Unbridled
Duration: 1 hr 52 min
Aspect Ratio: 1280*714
Frames: 23.976 fps
Audio: English 2.0
Size: 1.01 GB
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright

Top cast

Rachel Hendrix as Cassie Davis
Eric Roberts as Roger Donigal
Dey Young as Karen Miller


Unbridled (2017) downloadUnbridled (2017) download



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Last modified on July 2nd, 2023
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