2000 [CHINESE]
Drama / Romance
Buttressed between two milestone events within their personal sphere, the lives of the Jians – husband and wife N.J. and Min-Min, teenage daughter Ting-Ting, and eight year old son Yang-Yang – and to a lesser extent that of their broader grouping of extended family and friends, are presented. The Jians live in an upscale apartment complex in Taipei along with Min-Min’s mother, who has fallen into a coma, each family member who takes turns by her bedside to relay life’s goings-on to her regardless of if she can hear them. While Min-Min has troubles with this on-going task, the other three use her as an unofficial sounding board for their issues, primarily in the realm of finding their place in current life and their role in her predicament. Yang-Yang still has a child’s simple perspective of the world, such as the reason he has a penchant for taking photographs of the back of people’s heads, that naiveté exactly the reason he is the target of bullying especially among a group of older …
2 hr 53 min
23.976 fps
chi 2.0
1.56 GB

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