2018 [GERMAN]
Biography / Drama / History
While Heinrich Bullinger and Leo Jud wait for news from Huldrych Zwingli from the bloody battle of Kappel am Albis, the young Bullinger learns from Jud how things could get this far: When Zwingli begins to preach as a priest in Zurich, the plague attacks him. Looking death in the face, God’s Word carries him through and he survives. Encouraged and strengthened, Zwingli turns Zurich upside down with the Bible in his hand. With the desire to make the Bible understandable to people, Zwingli and his friends begin to translate the book into the popular speech. However, resistance – even from the closest circle of friends – increases more and more.
12 hr 57 min
25 fps
German 2.0
522.33 MB