Game Overview
Endless exploration and action to be had!Explore a procedurally generated pixel world full of dangers and digging.Discover and explore labyrinths and space stations that hold permanent upgrade rewards.Land on an asteroid and mine.Explore large procedural cave systems.Collect enough Dylixia, Hearts and Bio Matter to travel to a new planet.Mine deep underground in search of Diamonds, Gold, Coal and Bio Matter.A giant open underground world to find minable materials in.Your astronaut’s mining tool can be upgraded to make mining easier in lower levels and to gain access to many locked areas of the world.There are many hostile enemies to encounter and deal with in the world. Be cautious as the more you dig and mine minerals, the more you will disturb the enemies of the world. You can stir up the hives and cause a large flood of enemies to attack. The more Bio Matter you return to the Orbiter, the more hostile and difficult the planet’s inhabitants become. Upgrade your player and ship as the world becomes more volatile while you dig and explore the planet down to bedrock.The Orbiter has many purchasable upgrades for your astronaut, ship and weapons.You can also unlock many permanent upgrades in the Orbiter. Some of these include RoboMiners and your CyberPup companion.Upgrade your astronaut to your liking and your play style.Full Feature List:Multiple Large Procedural PlanetsDay & Night CycleWeatherMany gun and tool typesGround & Flight CombatUpgradable Mining ToolCollect loot from chestsLocal Co-op using CyberPupUse coal to charge your suit’s energy and oxygen levelsProcedural foliage and rocks per biomePoisonous Underground VinesLarge Procedural Cave systemsMany different small, medium and large enemy types.Giant Heart BossesGiant Space SnakesGiant Sky BossAncient Planet Surface RuinsLabyrinths and Space Stations to exploreRepair your crashed ship
Albatross Wirehead
JustWall Wirehead Games
12 Feb, 2021
Action, Adventure, Indie
Cracked by: BlacK FlaG
Release Size: 667.74 MB
Terrene – An Evidence Of Life Game.Torrent
System Requirement
- OS: Windows 7 SP1
- Processor: Inter i3 or Equivalent
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Dedicated Video Card
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 2 GB available space
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: Inter i5 or Equivalent
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Dedicated Video Card
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 2 GB available space