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Vegas: Make It Big – Develop a state-of-the art Las Vegas resort complex, using all the money and management skill you can. Customers on the living, breathing Las Vegas boulevard…

Game Overview

Develop a state-of-the art Las Vegas resort complex, using all the money and management skill you can. Customers on the living, breathing Las Vegas boulevard are Notoriously hard to satisfy – can you win the hearts and wallets of Vegas? Amazing real-time 3D graphics show off your resort to the max. Experience grand panoramic views, or get up close and personal to fine-tune the inside and outside of your perfect Vegas paradise. VEGA$: Make It Big &copy 2003 Empire Interactive Europe Limited. Designed and developed by Deep Red Games Limited. Empire, “E” and Make It Big are…

Title: Vegas: Make It Big

Developer: Deepred

Publisher: Strategy First

Release Date: 21 Dec, 2006

Genre: Strategy, Simulation, Management


Release Name: Vegas: Make It Big

Cracked by: BlacK FlaG

Release Size: 170.36 MB



System Requirement


    Pentium® III 600MHz, Windows® 98, 16MB 3D graphics card, 192MB of RAM. 500MB of free hard disc space. DirectX® 9.0, mouse, keyboard.


    Pentium® III 800MHz, 32MB 3D graphics card, 256MB of RAM, 8x CD drive speed, mouse with wheel.


Vegas: Make It Big Torrent Download

Vegas: Make It Big PC Crack

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